Why Money Is Blinding You

We are psychologically trained to value our salary as success

Unaccordingly writing
3 min readJul 27, 2022

Society’s attempt to foster and pursue a community to believe that a focused monetary life is worth sacrificing your mental and physical health for.

From Unsplash by Jp Valery

Money is the key factor in many people’s motivation to work. It provides this sense of external validation to keep working. But unfortunately, the cycle of getting a promotion and raising your standard of living has been over our heads for years.

It becomes a possessive trait when you constantly have to show yourself’s worth through what you wear, act, and do. The urge to continue to better one’s lifestyle has made people inferior to each other. The corrupted systems we live in create this constant cycle of (earning more = spending more).
Many of us never get satisfied with what we have because we’ve been trained to constantly observe people above us rather than look down on those who have it worse.

The simple art of gratitude has been forgotten. “The bigger, the better,” they say. “Go big or go home,” they yell. The continuous effort the economy, schools, and parents use on us to construct a never-ending desire to work. The art of enjoying what you do has been robbed from us. Our lives started to revolve around work when instead, we should make life more meaningful.

Let’s unlearn these dying methods that have corrupted our generation. Instead, let’s create a more inviting community that welcomes inventions, passions, and innovation. Collaboratively working on these characteristics will foster a new environment in which the next generation will appreciate and thrive.

3 Key Takeaways to implement in your life

  1. Staying humble through journaling. Create a list of 5 things you’r grateful for everyday. It doesn’t have to major things, but the simple things life can offer.

My list for today was “ I’m Grateful for….”

  • The air I breath
  • The sun I feel radiating on my skin
  • The water I drink every single day
  • My morning cup of coffee
  • My friends&family

Your list could be as simple as the group you walk on, because some people have a hard time even walking. By implementing these humbling strategies you’ll learn to appreciate what you have rather than dreading what you don’t have.

From Unsplash by Prophsee Journals

2. Write positive messages for your self every single day. Its important to recognize that your body internalizes everything you say to it. It’s better to help it internalize positivity rather than negativity.

The message I wrote for myself was “ I’m…”

  • Radiating positive energy and I will continue to do so.
  • Impressed with your work today, keep up the work!
  • seeing growth in you every single day.

As silly as it may seem, it truly did make me feel more confident and productive during my day.

From Unsplash by Tim Goedhart

3. “Accepting it the way it is”. With the money driven society were in you may also have a hard time accepting failure, imperfection, and certain people. It’s important to realize that everything is completely fine. It’s normal to fail. It’s normal to deal with issues. It’s normal for people to be different and have flaws.

Thinking of the root of the issue in these situations and answering it optimistically usually results in the best option.

  • “I can see I have a problem in this area of my life, but I’ll try my best to not let it effect me because I have so much to look forward too”
  • “ This is a phase i’m going through. I’ll come out of it stronger and more experienced”

Life is simply a perspective. Change your outlook towards life and you’ll enjoy it way more.

